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New university management courses to support knowledge transfer, R&D and innovation
One of the most important objectives of the renewing Hungarian innovation system is to foster close collaboration between university knowledge centres and the business sector in order to translate R&D activities into practical solutions.

Processes already started across the ecosystem increase demand for manysided experts with strong management skills: Corvinus University of Budapest and the University of Pannonia announced at a joint press conference the launch of new postgraduate courses in research and innovation management in February 2020. The Ministry for Innovation and Technology and the National Research, Development and Innovation Office will both support the programme.


If you wish to read more about this article, click here.


Source: https://nkfih.gov.hu

Hungary rises four places in Bloomberg innovation ranking
Hungary moved up four places from last year in the Bloomberg Innovation Index, now ranking as 18th. The country performed better in five of the seven indicator groups which form the basis of the overall ranking. It is good news that Hungary made significant progress in the fields of productivity, the share of high-tech companies and R&D intensity.

A leading US business magazine, Bloomberg has published the Bloomberg Innovation Index (Bloomberg II) since 2006 which ranks countries based on their overall innovation capability.


If you wish to read more about this article, click here.


Source: https://nkfih.gov.hu


Monthly Bulletin of Economic Trends I January 2020

Macroeconomic trends in Hungary
Hungarian economic tendencies will be presented in the article below via an overview of the most important macroeconomic indicators such as GDP, employment, gross wages, investments, industrial production and foreign trade, from directly after the crisis to 2019.

In 2009 the Hungarian economy found itself in a remarkably deep crisis. The recession was almost as severe as the transformational crisis (1991-1995) caused by the regime shift. The crisis resulted in plummeting economic performance - GDP fell 6.5% by the end of the year 2009. This downward tendency slowed down in the first half of 2010, turning into growth in mid-2010, and in the second half of the same year the growth rate was back at the pre-crisis level. Then in 2011, owing to the crisis of the Eurozone, the international economic environment became quite unfavourable again.

The Hungarian economy relapsed in 2012, with GDP dropping by 1.5%. Finally, recovery came in 2013 with a growth rate of 2.2%, and the next year saw a 4.1% growth year-on-year. There was a mild slowdown in 2015 and 2016 with growth rates of 3.5% and 2.2% respectively, followed by a surge to 4.1% in 2017. 2018 was a top year when GDP growth shot up to 5.1%. The first three quarters of 2019 saw similar growth rates. In the first two quarters, economy grew by 5.2%, and in the third quarter the rate was somewhat lower at 4.8% compared to the same period of the previous year.

Recovery after the crisis was much slower in Hungary than in its number one target country for exports, Germany. On all accounts, the Hungarian crisis was much deeper than the one Germany had to recover from. Furthermore, recovery in Hungary could only start later than in Germany. Although recession affected the two economies at an equal strength and at an equal speed, in the first quarter after the turning point in 2009 the German economy could recover remarkably quickly. By early 2011 the German economy had been back at pre-crisis levels and has grown almost unintermittently ever since. Hungary, on the other hand, had to deal with a prolonged recession, only reaching pre-crisis levels in the third quarter of 2014. The growth rate difference between the two economies levelled out between the first quarter of 2016 and the fourth quarter of 2017, and in 2018 the Hungarian growth rate spiked up and overtook that of Germany. In 2019 the Hungarian growth rate difference was 6-7% over Germany.


To read further, click on the attached document below

Download this file (MBET_2001_200211.pdf)MBET_20201

Azonnali fizetési rendszer: érdemes gyorsan lépnie annak, aki azonnal szeretne pénzt kapni

Március 2-tól az eddiginél gyorsabban lehet pénzt utalni a 10 millió alatti utalásokat öt másodpercen belül „kézbesítő” azonnali fizetési rendszeren keresztül. Érdemes minél előbb lépnie azoknak, akik szeretnének élni az új lehetőséggel, mert van olyan bank, ami a másodlagos azonosító regisztrálásáért később pénzt kérhet - írja a forbes.hu.


Késedelmes fizetés

Az MKIK GVI elemzésében a hazai vállalkozások késedelmes fizetéssel és lánctartozással kapcsolatos tapasztalatait vizsgálta. Az eredmények alapján a vállalkozások 69 százalékának legalább egy üzleti partnere késedelmesen fizetett 2019. első félévében, a válaszadók 34 százaléka pedig maga is tartozott beszállítóinak legalább egyszer a vizsgált időszakban. A késedelmes fizetés problémája legnagyobb arányban az építőiparban és az egyéb gazdasági szolgáltatási szektorban jelenik meg. Összességében elmondható, hogy a 2018. júliusi kedvező időszak után a késve fizető partnerek aránya újabb növekedést mutat a megkérdezett vállalkozások körében. Felmérés elemzése és összefoglalója


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