BKMKIK 2024 kicsi

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Július 1-jétől minden vállalkozás számlájára rálát az adóhivatal

Az online számla kiterjesztésével új korszak kezdődött 2020. július 1-jén az adóegyszerűsítésben és a gazdaságfehérítésben. Az online számlázás nemcsak az áfabevallások jövőbeni adóhivatali elkészítésének képezheti az alapját, hanem segíthet a feketegazdaság szereplői, az adóelkerülők elleni további küzdelemben is.

Az egyéni vállalkozók július 1-jétől a NAV-nál intézhetik ügyeiket

Július 1-jétől a Nemzeti Adó- és Vámhivatal vezeti az egyéni vállalkozók nyilvántartását, az egyéni vállalkozók továbbra is a Webes ügysegédet használhatják.

Monthly Bulletin of Economic Trends Apr 2020

Borrowing in the corporate sector in Hungary, 2011-2020

HCIC’s Institute for Economic and Enterprise Research (IEER) analysed Hungarian companies’ borrowing habits and experiences. The data analysed here originate from the quarterly business climate surveys conducted by IEER focusing on perceived business loan eligibility requirements (16 times since October 2011) and on the types of loans taken out (18 times since October 2011). In this matter a total of 7129 Hungarian companies were surveyed. Below we shall present the results of the most recent quarterly business climate survey (January 2020) put into context by a timeline of the past decade’s credit trends in the second part of our analysis.

According to the results of the January 2020 survey 43 per cent of companies operated without any business loans to pay off. Their rate was especially high among 100-249 companies (49%) and in the processing industry (45%). Working capital credit was still the most popular type (38%), followed by investment credit (31%) in all industries regardless company size. As for currency, loans in forint (HUF) and euro (EUR) were generally taken out (67% and 51% respectively), the latter mostly by exporters. Loans were most commonly taken out by minor exporters (65%) and fully domestic companies (67%).

With regard to company size, investment credit was the most popular with companies employing over 50 staff (32-33%), while working capital credit was mostly chosen by 50-99 companies (39%) and 250+ companies (41%). The rate of processing companies taking out a working capital loan was especially high (43%), however, the rate of companies without any business loan was also the highest in this industrial sector (45%). At the same time, only 32% of companies offering economic services reported to have operated without business loans. The rate with trading and construction companies was 42%. All in all, investment projects were still not very popular among the smallest of the companies, while investment activity was more or less the same in all sectors.



To read further, click on the attached document below

Download this file (MBET_2020_200508_apr.pdf)MBET_April

Coronavirus pandemic: Update on financial reporting rules and suspension of the on-site inspection of projects funded from the NRDI Fund
Given the extraordinary circumstances caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the NRDI Office informs the beneficiaries of projects funded from the NRDI Fund as follows:

Reporting costs of travels and events cancelled because of the coronavirus pandemic

The current pandemic may affect the implementation of funded projects and the performance of project commitments, in particular through the cancellation of scheduled travels and events. Applying the rules of force majeure, the already paid and unrecovered costs of cancelled travels and events are considered eligible under the project by the NRDI Office. Beneficiaries are dispensed from the obligation to report on cancelled travels and events (with the exception stated below), but are required to state the related costs in their upcoming progress report, providing detailed reasons for the cancellation and presenting the steps taken to mitigate damage and recover costs (if possible, with supporting documents). The NRDI Office will verify the eligibility of each cost item with respect to force majeure.

Please note, however, that if the cancellation of the travel or event makes it impossible to implement the project in its entirety, the NRDI Office must be notified accordingly, in line with the provisions set out in the Terms of Performance.

If the current pandemic is likely to cause changes to the implementation or schedule of the project, it may become necessary to amend the funding agreement or the funding document, also subject to the Terms of Performance.

Submission of reports and responses to notices of deficiency related to reports and amendment requests

In order to ensure the uninterrupted processing of reports and amendment requests, in addition to hard copies please also submit all documents in response to notices of deficiency electronically, in the form of scanned copies (and tables in Excel format) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., unless the reports were submitted over the Online Participant Portal (EPTK). For users of cloud-based services, it is enough to upload the documents requested in the notice of deficiency to their storage space, and send the password to the above email address of the NRDI Office.

In the case of reports and amendment requests submitted via the EPTK, for faster processing and due to the special characteristics of the participant portal, the NRDI Office may also send notices of deficiency in email instead of the EPTK to the contact person/project leader (and at the email address) indicated in the EPTK. Please follow the above steps even if you are notified in email.

In order to ensure the uninterrupted processing of financial reports submitted through the Electronic Portal of Proposals (EPR), you are kindly requested to forward the scanned copies of duly executed interim and final financial reports, together with applicable statements, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The documents submitted electronically in line with this measure and accepted by the NRDI Office will not be required to be submitted in hard copy later, but please note that the NRDI Office may examine such documents at a future on-site inspection.

Suspension of on-site inspections

Furthermore, please be advised that with regard to the state of danger announced by Government Decree 40/2020 (11 March), the NRDI Office has suspended the on-site inspection of funded projects.

We will update you as soon as the deficiency procedures related to reports and amendment requests and the on-site inspection of projects are back to normal.

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation!

NRDI Office


Source: https://nkfih.gov.hu

Palkovics: Hungary to set new directions for health research
Budapest, 9 March 2020, Monday (MTI) – Hungary can set new health research directions in the future, as it has received priority status in the LinQ Catalyst programme of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Presenting the innovation cooperation between MIT and Hungary, University of Debrecen and GE, László Palkovics, Minister for Innovation and Technology told to a press conference in Budapest on Monday: they try to achieve that advanced technology is not only manufactured but also developed in Hungary, in which Hungarian higher education institutions play a central role.

As he said, University of Debrecen and GE Healthcare participate together in the MIT LinQ Catalyst programme, conducting research in health science and the health industry. The university will employ PhD students who will also be the researchers of MIT, he added.

In addition to providing financial and environmental support, facilitating research and promoting knowledge and technology transfer, the Hungarian government also supports the transformation of ideas into operating companies, he said, noting that the project period is ten years.

László Palkovics also mentioned that the collaboration currently focuses on health research but the parties are already negotiating on extending cooperation to climate and energy technology, autonomous machines and laser physics research.


If you wish to read more about this article, click here.


Source: https://nkfih.gov.hu


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