Notice in relation to the pandemic caused by COVID-19
Notice in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic on the extension of the duration of projects funded from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund, on the performance of mandatory commitments and monitoring indicators and on the extension of certain deadlines set out in the funding agreements.

In consideration of the pandemic caused by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the state of danger declared in Hungary, and the expected economic and social consequences of the situation, the NRDI Office notifies the beneficiaries of projects funded from the NRDI Fund in relation to 1) the extension of project durations, 2) mandatory commitments and monitoring indicators specified in the funding documents (hereinafter: Funding Agreement), and 3) compliance with certain deadlines set out in the Funding Agreement.

1) Extension of the duration of funded projects

Pursuant to Section 18 of Government Decree 85/2020 (IV. 5.) on the specific rules applicable in domestic and administrative affairs in a state of danger the duration of projects

  • implemented until the termination of the state of danger and
  • in progress when the state of danger was declared (11 March 2020) (the legal provision applies to projects that meet both conditions)

is extended with a period equal to the period of the state of danger.

The above provision also applies to projects for which the funding relationship was established in the period of the state of danger.

Please note that the measure creates an option (not an obligation) for beneficiaries to extend the duration of their projects. Beneficiaries will decide for themselves whether to take the option or stick to their original project schedule.


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