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Ősztől kamaránkban is lehet nyelvvizsgát tenni!

A Zöld Út Nyelvvizsgaközpont akkreditációs eljárás során engedélyt kapott arra, hogy a Tomori Pál Főiskola kecskeméti képzési helyén (a kamarában) 2019 novemberétől szakmai nyelvvizsgákat szervezzen.
Bővebb tájékoztatás: https://zoldut.szie.hu/vizsgahelyek

Monthly Bulletin of Economic Trends January 2019

Results of the October 2018 IEER Quarterly Business Climate Survey

The Quarterly Business Climate Survey of IEER is based on the answers of 400 CEO respondents, now surveyed about their business situation and expectations. The Quarterly Business Climate Index and the Quarterly Uncertainty Index were calculated from the full sample of 300 small and medium-sized enterprises (20-249 employees) and 100 large enterprises (250+ employees). For small and medium-sized enterprises, the SME Outlook Business Climate Index and the SME Outlook Uncertainty Index were calculated.


According to October 2018 records, the level of business confidence in Hungary stayed unchanged compared to the previous quarter: the Quarterly Business Climate Index stagnates compared to the 42 points calculated in July. This score has been the highest since records of Quarterly Business Climate Index surveys began in 2010, not unlike the score measured in July (see figure 1). The Quarterly Uncertainty Index is currently at 30 points, which is 4 points up in comparison with the records taken in the previous quarter. This might mean that the perception of the business situation became less uniform among companies since July.


However, if business confidence is examined separately, the SME Outlook Business Climate Index has been climbing since the drop in July: from 34 points it is now up at 41 points. This has been the highest score in the history of our SME Outlook Business Climate Index, with records starting in 2005 (see figure 2). The SME Outlook Uncertainty Index, now at 36 points, increased by 6 points since July 2018, meaning that the opinion of small and medium-sized enterprises became less uniform...


For the full article, click the Attachment below:

Download this file (MBET_Jan_2019.pdf)MBET Jan 2019

Bővül és megújul az építőipari kkv-k támogatása

Az év második felében 3 milliárd forinttal bővítik az építőipari kis- és közepes vállalkozások technológiai újítását támogató, idén megnyitott 6 milliárd forintos keretet, és újdonság lesz, hogy nemcsak eszközbeszerzésre lehet támogatást kérni, hanem szoftvervásárlásra is - mondta az innovációs és technológiai miniszter.

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A bizalom a XXI. század valutája

Booking.com, Airbnb, AliExpress, Amazon. Olyan vállalatok, amelyek a szemünk előtt írtak újra iparágakat. De mi a közös bennük?


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